Thursday, March 24, 2005

Thinking of them

I woke up this morning at six. Something insane i would never do in my holiday. But i had to do it because i was having two important yet boring and tiring tasks. You know, college stuff. My body was very tired and my eyes wasn't likely to open. I woke up and took a bath anyway. While going to the bathroom, i was thinking about something which was still stuck on my mind. Something which refreshed me this morning to face the day ahead.

The night before, i called someone. Someone who was able to stole my heart, as she was to broke my heart. Someone who was able to make me feel like "i'm the greatest guy on earth", as she was to make me feel like "i'm the most foolish guy on earth". But that wasn't just it. A few hours before, i called someone else. Someone who often said "i miss you" in many different ways, as well as saying "don't love me, please. Cause we're not destined to be together".

The one that i adore most said this: "Ntar aja cari ceweknya.Kalo udah kerja dan dapat duit banyak pasti cewe-cewe bakal nempel kayak perangko".
The one that i respect most said this: "Kuliah yang bener donk, jangan banyak nilai D-nya. Mau cepat lulus gak?"

Before i went to bed,i felt like all my burdens had been lifted up. It was strange, because i usually find it difficult to sleep when thinking of either of them. That wasn't just it. Amazingly, i was able to concentrate in both of my "teknik penulisan ilmiah" class and biochemistry practicum, from the very beginning 'til the very end. Something i'd hardly ever done before. One thing which also catalysed me today, besides thinking of my ex-girlfriends, is thinking of my friends, cousins, and family. People with whom everytime i am, i always tell myself "la vita e bella".

Thank you so much, my Lord.
For giving me such wonderful people.


ikram said...

This is what you can call as a "nice English". Damn. Continuing ILP has obviously made a gap.

What did you mean by "sampah"? Was it an emotional one? Sorry but I am human myself, been given a thing called h.e.a.r.t

But alright, I got the message: boys don't cry. Right?

ANDRE said...

you really like to use the word "obviously".....

Anonymous said...

okay then, continuing ILP has clearly, visibly, perceptibly, noticeably, apparently, evidently, observably, understandably, recognizably, discernibly made a gap :p

ANDRE said...

now, by saying those words, you obviously are trying to (reduce?) the gap....

Anonymous said...

Woi, katanya ada foto gue, mana? Gue cariin juga enggak nongol-nongol. Bote' mo ko sedeng("bokis lo" translate into Makassar)

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