Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This Is Just To Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet and
so cold.

By William Carlos Williams
The author said:
Boys and girls, beware of your best friends.
They can eat you alive at anytime...
Just don't lose your boyfriend/girlfriend, ok!


ikram said...

ANDRE! gua tadinya nggak ngerti ini tuh tentang apa, (nebak2 doang tapi takut salah, ntar keliatan sotoy-nya).

Nice poems, dapet dimana? Kalo gua jadi elo, mungkin gua cuma bakal pampang lirik lagu "Sobat" dari Padi. Hehehehe.

Nggak apa-apa, kalo emang jodoh nggak kemana. Jika caranya saja sudah busuk, nggak bakal lama gua sumpahin! Okay? Fight up!

ANDRE said...

Ini bukan pengalaman gw kok. Karena poem-nya bagus, gw pampang aja di sini.