Wednesday, March 30, 2005

You see, Kram.... I've been posting this kind of "rubbish" recently

"Permisi donk, mau lewat!"

"Nggak boleh! Cium dulu...!"

"Nggak mau ah!"

"Kenapa? Cowo lo udah pulang yaaa?"

"Iya nih, suami gue udah pulang. Telat lo! Kalo dari kemaren-kemaren sih boleh. Sekarang udah gak boleh. Udah gak bisa putus lagi sih..."

(Maksudnya apa sih? Dasar cewe!)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Someone said this to me, can you believe it?

If I meet Ramza, I'm gonna tickle him until he dies in tears of laughing, smash him to pieces, hit him until he begs me to stop, damn he always made fun of me!! XD Tease him do death - ouw yeah, it'd be the most pleasure thing to do *evil laughs*

Thinking of them

I woke up this morning at six. Something insane i would never do in my holiday. But i had to do it because i was having two important yet boring and tiring tasks. You know, college stuff. My body was very tired and my eyes wasn't likely to open. I woke up and took a bath anyway. While going to the bathroom, i was thinking about something which was still stuck on my mind. Something which refreshed me this morning to face the day ahead.

The night before, i called someone. Someone who was able to stole my heart, as she was to broke my heart. Someone who was able to make me feel like "i'm the greatest guy on earth", as she was to make me feel like "i'm the most foolish guy on earth". But that wasn't just it. A few hours before, i called someone else. Someone who often said "i miss you" in many different ways, as well as saying "don't love me, please. Cause we're not destined to be together".

The one that i adore most said this: "Ntar aja cari ceweknya.Kalo udah kerja dan dapat duit banyak pasti cewe-cewe bakal nempel kayak perangko".
The one that i respect most said this: "Kuliah yang bener donk, jangan banyak nilai D-nya. Mau cepat lulus gak?"

Before i went to bed,i felt like all my burdens had been lifted up. It was strange, because i usually find it difficult to sleep when thinking of either of them. That wasn't just it. Amazingly, i was able to concentrate in both of my "teknik penulisan ilmiah" class and biochemistry practicum, from the very beginning 'til the very end. Something i'd hardly ever done before. One thing which also catalysed me today, besides thinking of my ex-girlfriends, is thinking of my friends, cousins, and family. People with whom everytime i am, i always tell myself "la vita e bella".

Thank you so much, my Lord.
For giving me such wonderful people.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Strange and Weird

For someone,....
This feeling
So strange

Do i still love you or not?

For someone other,...
This feeling
So weird

Do i already fall in love with you or not?

I guess not

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This Is Just To Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet and
so cold.

By William Carlos Williams
The author said:
Boys and girls, beware of your best friends.
They can eat you alive at anytime...
Just don't lose your boyfriend/girlfriend, ok!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

"You're so mean", that's what everybody says...


a meanie who would always be there for
you when you have troubles


a meanie who would tease you to death
and say "YES!!" when he's done teasing
you after you shed your blood tears


a meanie who would glomp at you when
you help him, saying how thankful he
was for your help, and he'd be pleased to
the end of time


a meanie who's so damn outspoken, but
that's just the way he is, he just doesn't
like to say things that he doesn't like


my friend... which I'm proud to be one


he checks my profile all the time and
always comment on it, but that just
means one thing:

he's a meanie...
but truly a cared friend
which I cherished his friendship

Gue dapat testimonial ini dari seorang teman di friendster.
Thanks ya, Scarlet...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sembilan Jenis Kesalahan Umum Bahasa Indonesia yang Berkembang di Masyarakat

Kata depan yang dilesapkan
sesuai buku, dibanding perbuatannya, terdiri empat kelompok.
SEHARUSNYA: sesuai dengan, jika dibandingkan dengan perbuatannya, terdiri atas empat kelompok.

Kata "sedangkan" dan "sehingga" mengawali kalimat, padahal fungsinya adalah kata hubung
Sedangkan perlakuan perendaman benih muda dalam larutan kolkisin kurang efektif.
Sehingga para pengusaha harus berhenti menanamkan modalnya.

Kalimat diawali dengan kata"dengan" dan "untuk" tanpa subjek
Dengan kondisi tersebut dapat menguntungkan pembangunan industri pariwisata.

Frase kerja digunakan tidak pada tempatnya
Membaca tulisan Arief Budiman, kita diajak berpikir untuk memecahkan masalah pembangunan.
Menyusul aksi pembakaran bendera Indonesia, Asosiasi Importir Indonesia mengancam akan memboikot barang impor dari Australia.

Kata kerja transitif diikuti kata depan sebagai penyerta
Setiap orang memahami tentang apa yang terjadi dalam dirinya.
Mereka mempersoalkan tentang peranan agama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kata "di mana" digunakan tidak untuk bertanya
Ada tiga macam sebabnya:
1. Pengaruh bahasa Inggris di kalangan penulis yang menguasai bahasa tersebut:
Sedikit sekali jalan di London di mana Anda tidak dapat membeli buku.
2.Tidak menganal kata sarana dalam bahasa Indonesia:
Dalam buku kuliah di mana buku ajar ini digunakan, mahasiswa diperkenalkan kepada konsep dasar mekanika kuantum.
3. Malas untuk menguasai kaidah bahasa Indonesia:
Ia mengambil keputusan itu di mana adalah bagi keselamatan keluarganya.

Gabungan "adalah merupakan" sebagai frase kerja, seharusnya salah satu saja
Gunung Himalaya adalah merupakan gunung tertinggi di dunia.

Kata "saling" mendahului kata kerja dengan imbuhan "ber-an" atau "di"
Molekul itu saling berbenturan.
SEHARUSNYA: Molekul itu berbenturan/saling membentur/bentur membentur.

Kalimat menjadi landung oleh penggunaan kata lewah
Peneliti itu melakukan pemanasan terhadap cawan sampel.
SEHARUSNYA: Peneliti itu memanaskan cawan sampel.

Ini merupakan salah satu bahan mata kuliah "Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah".
Ada beberapa point yang saya kurang setuju, yaitu point IV.b dan VI.1
Mohon tanggapannya...