Friday, July 08, 2005

My dad had an accident

I was watching “Pulp Fiction” when suddenly my grandma told me that my dad had a car accident and was hospitalized at RSCM. She told me to take a bath immediately to go to the hospital shortly.

Having heard the news, i felt as if an alien tripod’s laser beam (watch: “War of the World” movie) strucked me into ashes. In trembling, i rushed to my mother, who was talking to the doctor by phone, to ask the details about the accident.

Well, i couldn’t get the answer since she kept talking by the phone. But, instead, i was able to figure it out by listening to the conversation.

The man on the phone informed us that my daddy’s car was hit by a Pertamina’s truck. And Agus, the driver from Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan who was driving the car, died instantly. He also informed us that my dad was in critical condition and an amputation was urgently needed to save his life.

I tried to call my driver, Jerry, to ask him to drive us to the hospital but i couldn’t reach him since he didn‎’t picked up the phone. So I called our church’s priest instead. After that, I took a bath.

While taking a bath, i kept screaming inside that this was just a dream, a nightmare, and not for real. All of a sudden, my neighbour aunt knocked my door. She said,

“Relax, ndre. That news is not for real. It was commited by some jerks who tried to fool us to get some money. Your daddy has just called us and said that he was at his office. He is alright!”

“Thank God!!!”, that’s what i said, followed by, “Bloody bastard!!! See, you can’t fool us.”


Anonymous said...

wow. gila. g pernah denger di radio, ga nyangka lu bakal kena juga ndre. anyway, tadinya pas baca g pikir itu beneran. untung aja ga ndre. ya udah, pokoke ati2 deh. moga2 beneran ga pernah bakal kejadian. ok?

Nod-nya Tea said...

no comments on this one. u got me fooled when i read the title, Thank God nothing really happens.

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